IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Delay-independent stability in bidirectional associative memory networks1994/01/01433
Improvements to the SMO algorithm for SVM regression2000/01/01412
Universal approximation to nonlinear operators by neural networks with arbitrary activation functions and its application to dynamical systems1995/07/01407
Support vector machines for spam categorization1999/01/01396
Online learning control by association and reinforcement2001/03/01392
An evolutionary algorithm that constructs recurrent neural networks1994/01/01383
Self-learning fuzzy controllers based on temporal backpropagation1992/01/01377
On fuzzy modeling using fuzzy neural networks with the back-propagation algorithm1992/01/01369
High-order neural network structures for identification of dynamical systems1995/03/01367
Direct adaptive NN control of a class of nonlinear systems2002/01/01367
Functional equivalence between radial basis function networks and fuzzy inference systems1993/01/01354
Fuzzy min-max neural networks. I. Classification1992/01/01351
Diagonal recurrent neural networks for dynamic systems control1995/01/01333
Learning long-term dependencies in NARX recurrent neural networks1996/11/01332
Using wavelet network in nonparametric estimation1997/03/01332
The multilayer perceptron as an approximation to a Bayes optimal discriminant function1990/01/01330
Regression methods for pricing complex American-style options2001/07/01326
A new evolutionary system for evolving artificial neural networks1997/05/01326
Learning and tuning fuzzy logic controllers through reinforcements1992/01/01319
How delays affect neural dynamics and learning1994/07/01314
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction1998/09/01312
Network information criterion-determining the number of hidden units for an artificial neural network model1994/01/01306
Exponential stability and periodic oscillatory solution in BAM networks with delays2002/03/01304
Output feedback control of nonlinear systems using RBF neural networks2000/01/01302
Neuro-fuzzy rule generation: survey in soft computing framework2000/05/01294
Control of a nonholonomic mobile robot using neural networks1998/07/01294
Bankruptcy prediction for credit risk using neural networks: A survey and new results2001/07/01285
Upper bounds on the number of hidden neurons in feedforward networks with arbitrary bounded nonlinear activation functions1998/01/01281
Self organization of a massive document collection2000/05/01278
LSTM recurrent networks learn simple context-free and context-sensitive languages2001/01/01273