Why film one’s culture? Ritual as patrimony in Brazilian Amazonia

Article Properties
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
The Social Dynamics of Video Media in an Indigenous Society: The Cultural Meaning and the Personal Politics of Video–making in Kayapo Communities Visual Anthropology Review
  • Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology
50 1991
Enawene-nawe ‘potlatch against the state’ Social Anthropology
  • Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology: Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology
  • Social Sciences
  • Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology
5 2012
Cinéma amérindien brésilien et utilisation du cyberspace. Pour qui? Anthrovision 1 2014
Media friend or media foe? Visual Anthropology
  • Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology
11 1987