A Report on the World's Largest SF Magazine

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Journal Category
Language and Literature
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Wong Kin Yuen. "Hermeneutics and Taiwan Science Fiction." Conference paper at an international conference at the Chinese University of Hong Kong 2001.
Verne Jules. Journey to the Center of the Earth translated by William Butcher With an introduction by Michael Crichton. London: The Folio Society 2001.
Lovecraft Howard Phillips. Supernatural Horror in Literature. With a new introduction by E.F. Bleiler. New York: Dover Publications Inc. 1973.
Jiang Yunsheng. "SF Ideology and Cosmology—Three SF Points of View that Influenced SF Creations in China." Conference paper at the "Symposium of One Hundred Years' Literary Activities in China " Taiwan 1996.
Huang Hai. "SF the Spirit of Fairy Tales and Literature of the Twenty-first century.' Conference paper at the "Symposium of One Hundred Years' Literary Activities in China " Taiwan 1996.