Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
Parent and child perceptions of Boszormenyi-Nagy's ethical dimensions of the parent-child relationship | Contemporary Family Therapy |
| 1 | 1990 |
Are Patriots Bigots? An Inquiry into the Vices of In‐Group Pride | American Journal of Political Science |
| 230 | 2003 |
Editorial: Making a Nation's Flag a Sacred Symbol | Journal of Church and State |
| 2 | 1989 |
The Roots of Patriotism Across Political Contexts | Political Psychology |
| 14 | 2016 |
Book Review: Acts, by F. Scott Spencer Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, 1997. 266 pp. $19.50. ISBN 1-85075-817-4.; The Acts of the Apostles: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, by Ben Witherington III. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1998. 875 pp. $50.00. ISBN 0-8028-4501-0. | Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology |
| 1 | 1999 |