Article Properties
Gül Özdoğan, Yeşim, and Osman Eralp ÇOLAKOĞLU. “CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PRACTICES IN HOTELS: KUŞADASI EXAMPLE”. International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research, 2018, pp. 76-91,
Gül Özdoğan, Y., & ÇOLAKOĞLU, O. E. (2018). CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PRACTICES IN HOTELS: KUŞADASI EXAMPLE. International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research, 76-91.
Gül Özdoğan, Yeşim, and Osman Eralp ÇOLAKOĞLU. “CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PRACTICES IN HOTELS: KUŞADASI EXAMPLE”. International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research, 2018, 76-91.
Gül Özdoğan Y, ÇOLAKOĞLU OE. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PRACTICES IN HOTELS: KUŞADASI EXAMPLE. International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research. 2018;:76-91.
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Citations Analysis
Category Category Repetition
Social Sciences: Social sciences (General)1
The category Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) 1 is the most commonly referenced area in studies that cite this article. The first research to cite this article was titled BİR PAYDAŞ OLARAK TURİZM İŞLETMESİ ÇALIŞANLARININ KURUMSAL SOSYAL SORUMLULUK ALGILARININ İNCELENMESİ and was published in 2020. The most recent citation comes from a 2021 study titled Bir Paydaş Olarak Turizm İşletmesi Çalışanlarının Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Algılarının İncelenmesi. This article reached its peak citation in 2021, with 1 citations. It has been cited in 2 different journals, 50% of which are open access. Among related journals, the Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi cited this research the most, with 1 citations. The chart below illustrates the annual citation trends for this article.
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