The Detective as Reader: Narrativity and Reading Concepts in Detective Fiction

Article Properties
Hühn, Peter. “The Detective As Reader: Narrativity and Reading Concepts in Detective Fiction”. MFS Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 33, no. 3, 1987, pp. 451-66,
Hühn, P. (1987). The Detective as Reader: Narrativity and Reading Concepts in Detective Fiction. MFS Modern Fiction Studies, 33(3), 451-466.
Hühn, Peter. “The Detective As Reader: Narrativity and Reading Concepts in Detective Fiction”. MFS Modern Fiction Studies 33, no. 3 (1987): 451-66.
Hühn P. The Detective as Reader: Narrativity and Reading Concepts in Detective Fiction. MFS Modern Fiction Studies. 1987;33(3):451-66.
Journal Category
Language and Literature