T. ANDERSON: Sandvik lecture no. 56-BE, FSI, October 1977. | | | | |
R. HUBERT and I. THILLIER: Proc. 26th Annual Conf. and 1970 Show of National Association of Corrosion Engineers; 2–6 March 1970, Houston, Tex., USA, National Association of Corrosion Engineers. | | | | |
R. H. COOK and L. W. GRAHAM: Proc. Petten Int. Conf. on 'Alloy 800', (ed. W. Belteridge, R. Krefeld, H. Krockel, S. J. Lloyd, M. Van Der Voorde, and C. Vivante), 309–329; 14–16 March 1978, Amsterdam, Elsevier/North Holland Publishers. | | | | |
P.O. SHEWMON: 'Diffusion in solids', 172; New York, McGraw-Hill. | | | | |
N. G. PERSSON and P. LAURI: Sandvik lecture no. 56-9E, FSI, October 1977. | | | | |