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B. Heller and N. McKeown . A comprehensive power management architecture. Work in progress , 2008 . B. Heller and N. McKeown. A comprehensive power management architecture. Work in progress, 2008. | | | | 2008 |
M. Allman , K. Christensen , B. Nordman , and V. Paxson . Enabling an Energy-Efficient Future Internet Through Selectively Connected End Systems . In HotNets-VI , 2007 . M. Allman, K. Christensen, B. Nordman, and V. Paxson. Enabling an Energy-Efficient Future Internet Through Selectively Connected End Systems. In HotNets-VI, 2007. | | | | 2007 |
K. L. Calvert , W. K. Edwards , and R. E. Grinter . Moving Toward the Middle: The Case Against the End-to-End Argument in Home Networking . In HotNets-VI , 2007 . K. L. Calvert, W. K. Edwards, and R. E. Grinter. Moving Toward the Middle: The Case Against the End-to-End Argument in Home Networking. In HotNets-VI, 2007. | | | | 2007 |
M. Casado , T. Garfinkel , M. Freedman , A. Akella , D. Boneh , N. McKeown , and S. Shenker . SANE: A Protection Architecture for Enterprise Networks. In Usenix Security Symposium , 2006 . M. Casado, T. Garfinkel, M. Freedman, A. Akella, D. Boneh, N. McKeown, and S. Shenker. SANE: A Protection Architecture for Enterprise Networks. In Usenix Security Symposium, 2006. | | | | 2006 |