Samarskie stupeni “semerki” | | | | 2011 |
Mazein, S.S., Tytsky, E.I., and Chusovitin, T.O., The Main Lines in the Development of the Onboard Equipment for the Distributed Control System of Promising Launch Vehicles, Ekaterinburg, 2010. | | | | |
Kirilin, A.N., Akhmetov, R.N., Tyulevin, S.V., and Melioransky, B.N., State Research and Production Space-Rocket Center TsSKB-Progress: On the way forward, in Materialy konferentsii “Aktualnye problemy raketno-kosmicheskoi techniki i ee rol’ v ustoychivom social’no-ekonomicheskom razvitii obschestva”, Samara, 2009, 1.1. | | | | |
Hanevskii, D.A, Yatsuk, G.E., and Fokin, S.V., Development of “Earth-spacecraft” communication: From Analog and relay signals to fiber-optic communication lines, in Nauchno-tehnichesky sbornik “Raketno-kosmicheskaya tehnika”, Series XI, Is. 1, Ekaterinburg, 2011. | | | | |
Fomin, G.I., Some Details to the History of the Development of Soyuz-2 in Materialy konferentsii “Aktualnye problemy raketno-kosmicheskoi techniki i ee rol’ v ustoychivom social’no-ekonomicheskom razvitii obschestva”, Samara, 2009, 2.18. | | | | |