Quadrupolar magic angle spinning NMR spectra fitted using the Pearson IV function | Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
- Science: Chemistry: Physical and theoretical chemistry
- Science: Physics: Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter
- Science: Physics
- Science: Chemistry: Analytical chemistry
- Technology: Chemical technology
- Science: Chemistry: Physical and theoretical chemistry
- Science: Chemistry
| 3 | 2014 |
Pore structure of γ-Ga2O3–Al2O3 particles prepared by spray pyrolysis | Microporous and Mesoporous Materials |
- Science: Chemistry
- Science: Chemistry: Physical and theoretical chemistry
- Technology: Chemical technology
- Science: Chemistry
- Technology: Chemical technology
- Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
- Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
| 5 | 2011 |
Synthesis of γ-Ga2O3–Al2O3 solid solutions by spray pyrolysis method | Ceramics International |
- Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
- Technology: Chemical technology: Clay industries. Ceramics. Glass
- Technology: Chemical technology
- Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
- Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
| 8 | 2011 |
Synthesis of Ga2O3–Al2O3 Catalysts by a Coprecipitation Method for CH4-SCR of NO | Topics in Catalysis |
- Science: Chemistry
- Science: Chemistry: Physical and theoretical chemistry
- Science: Chemistry: Physical and theoretical chemistry
- Science: Chemistry
| 14 | 2009 |
Dehydrogenation of propane over spinel-type gallia–alumina solid solution catalysts | Journal of Catalysis |
- Science: Chemistry: Physical and theoretical chemistry
- Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering
- Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering
- Science: Chemistry: Physical and theoretical chemistry
- Science: Chemistry
| 125 | 2008 |