Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
The space-time-averaging procedure and modeling of the RF discharge II. Model of collisional low-pressure RF discharge | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science |
| 92 | 1992 |
Stochastic electron heating in a capacitive RF discharge with non-Maxwellian and time-varying distributions | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science |
| 34 | 1995 |
Monte Carlo simulations of electron distributions in the sheath region of reactive-ion-etching plasmas | Journal of Applied Physics |
| 19 | 1993 |
Numerical investigation of the kinetics and chemistry of rf glow discharge plasmas sustained in He, N2, O2, He/N2/O2, He/CF4/O2, and SiH4/NH3 using a Monte Carlo-fluid hybrid model | Journal of Applied Physics |
| 210 | 1992 |
10.1103/PhysRevA.45.2520 | Physical Review A | 1992 |
Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Theoretical Model of Their Retention in Plasma of RF Capacitive Discharge with Vertically Arranged Electrodes in Acetylene | ACS Omega |
| 1 | 2022 |
Predicting power–voltage characteristics and mode transitions in the COST reference microplasma jet | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics |
| 2022 | |
Roll-to-Roll Deposition of Thin Graphitic Films and Dependence on Discharge Modes in Radio Frequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science |
| 1 | 2022 |
Surface effects in a capacitive argon discharge in the intermediate pressure regime | Plasma Sources Science and Technology |
| 9 | 2021 |