Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
The Influence of Evoked Nostalgia on Consumers' Responses to Advertising: An Exploratory Study | Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising |
| 132 | 2002 |
Building Service Brands via Social Identity: Lessons from the Sports Marketplace | Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice |
| 227 | 2001 |
Sled Dog Racing: The Celebration of Co-operation in a Competitive Sport | Ethnology | 20 | 1999 | |
Nostalgic communication as temporal escape:When it was a game'sre‐construction of a baseball/work community | Western Journal of Communication |
| 23 | 1995 |
Bricks, Mortar, Memories: Neighbourhood and Networks in Collective Acts of Remembering | International Journal of Urban and Regional Research |
| 59 | 2001 |