Cost Recovery Pricing and Urban Management

Article Properties
Journal Categories
Social Sciences
Personnel management
Employment management
Building construction
Architectural engineering
Structural engineering of buildings
Engineering (General)
Civil engineering (General)
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Green Cities: Urban Growth and the Environment (Chapter One) SSRN Electronic Journal 14 2006
Wachs, M. (1996) Evolution of transport policy, ch. 7 in Scott, A. and Soja, E.The City. Los Angeles: University of California Press.
New South Wales Public Accounts Committee (1993)Infrastructure financing and management in New South Wales.Sydney.
New South Wales Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (2008)Review of CityRail fares, 2009- 2012.Sydney.
New South Wales Government Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (1997)Inquiry into the pricing of public passenger transport services.Sydney.