Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
Automatic control during hand reaching at undetected two-dimensional target displacements | Journal of Neurophysiology |
| 394 | 1992 |
Modification of trajectory of a pointing movement in response to a change in target location | Journal of Neurophysiology |
| 141 | 1983 |
Spatial trajectories and reaction times of aimed movements: effects of practice, uncertainty, and change in target location | Journal of Neurophysiology |
| 354 | 1981 |
Spatial trajectories and reaction times of aimed movements: effects of practice, uncertainty, and change in target location | Perception |
| 1995 | |
Spatial trajectories and reaction times of aimed movements: effects of practice, uncertainty, and change in target location | 1980 |
Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
Online updating of obstacle positions when intercepting a virtual target | Experimental Brain Research |
| 1 | 2023 |
Fast prediction in marmoset reach-to-grasp movements for dynamic prey | Current Biology |
| 3 | 2023 |
Body and visual instabilities functionally modulate implicit reaching corrections | iScience | 2 | 2023 | |
Decoding self-motion from visual image sequence predicts distinctive features of reflexive motor responses to visual motion | Neural Networks |
| 1 | 2023 |
Reach Corrections Toward Moving Objects are Faster Than Reach Corrections Toward Instantaneously Switching Targets | Neuroscience |
| 2023 |