Microstructure and abrasive wear of cobalt-based laser coatings

Article Properties
Journal Categories
Chemical technology
Electrical engineering
Nuclear engineering
Materials of engineering and construction
Mechanics of materials
Mining engineering
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
A model for the abrasive wear resistance of multiphase materials Wear
  • Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery
  • Science: Chemistry
  • Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
  • Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
113 1994
10.1016/0956-716X(91)90224-O 1991
Comparison of Laser Hardfacing with Conventional Processes

Surface Engineering
  • Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
  • Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
  • Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
54 1990
Das Dreistoffsystem Kobalt—Chrom—Kohlenstoff

Archiv für das Eisenhüttenwesen 20 1955
Microstructural Features and Mechanical Properties of a Cobalt-Based Laser Coating 1996
Refrences Analysis
The category Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials 5 is the most frequently represented among the references in this article. It primarily includes studies from Surface Engineering and Wear. The chart below illustrates the number of referenced publications per year.
Refrences used by this article by year