The research agenda of the European Science Foundation's GISDATA scientific programme | Geographical Information Systems | | 2 | 1993 |
Newby, H., Nowotny, H., Alsop, A., & Smith, J. (1992). Social science in the context of the European communities. In The ESF and the social science. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation. | | | | |
ESF (1998). European science policy briefing: social science research in the Fifth Framework Programme. Report of the ESF workshop, Stockholm, October 1997. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation (also available from | | | | |
CEC (1999). Public sector information: a key resource for Europe. Green Paper Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities DG XIII. | | | | |
Borgman, J., & Früwald W. (Eds.) (1997). Report on the strengths and weaknesses of European science. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation. | | | | |