Identity and position: Dependence originates from independence

Article Properties
Brouwer, R.F.T., and A.H.C. van der Heijden. “Identity and Position: Dependence Originates from Independence”. Acta Psychologica, vol. 95, no. 3, 1997, pp. 215-37,
Brouwer, R., & van der Heijden, A. (1997). Identity and position: Dependence originates from independence. Acta Psychologica, 95(3), 215-237.
Brouwer, R.F.T., and A.H.C. van der Heijden. “Identity and Position: Dependence Originates from Independence”. Acta Psychologica 95, no. 3 (1997): 215-37.
Brouwer R, van der Heijden A. Identity and position: Dependence originates from independence. Acta Psychologica. 1997;95(3):215-37.
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Detection and identification of near-threshold visual patterns 1985
Detection and identification: how are they related? 1985
Complete dependence of color identification upon color localization in a single-item task Acta Psychologica
  • Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Psychology
  • Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Psychology
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  • Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry: Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system: Psychiatry
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Refrences Analysis
The category Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Psychology 24 is the most frequently represented among the references in this article. It primarily includes studies from Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology and Psychological Review. The chart below illustrates the number of referenced publications per year.
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