The effects of brightness and prominent colors on outdoor thermal perception in Chongqing, China | International Journal of Biometeorology |
- Science: Biology (General)
- Science: Physics
- Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences
- Science: Physics: Meteorology. Climatology
- Science: Physiology
- Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
- Science: Biology (General): Ecology
| | 2024 |
Nature in urban green spaces: Main attractor or nice background? Drivers and dynamics of cultural ecosystem services provision | Urban Forestry & Urban Greening |
- Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences
- Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: City planning
- Agriculture: Forestry
- Science: Botany: Plant ecology
- Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences
- Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
- Science: Biology (General): Ecology
| | 2024 |
Mapping cultural ecosystem services in mountain forests using mobile phone data | Journal of Mountain Science |
- Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences
- Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
- Science: Biology (General): Ecology
| | 2023 |
Integrating public perceptions of proximity and quality in the modelling of urban green space access | Landscape and Urban Planning |
- Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences
- Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
- Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Human ecology. Anthropogeography: Settlements: Cities. Urban geography
- Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology
- Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: City planning
- Science: Biology (General): Ecology
- Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Geography (General)
- Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences
- Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
- Science: Biology (General): Ecology
- Social Sciences
| 2 | 2023 |
Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) selection forests at Siljansfors in Central Sweden | Trees, Forests and People | | | 2023 |