Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
Frontier: Drainage Water Recycling in the Humid Regions of the U.S.: Challenges and Opportunities | Transactions of the ASABE |
| 10 | 2021 |
Potential Suitability of Subirrigation for Field Crops in the U.S. Midwest | Transactions of the ASABE |
| 4 | 2020 |
Technical note: Inherent benchmark or not? Comparing Nash–Sutcliffe and Kling–Gupta efficiency scores | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences |
| 543 | 2019 |
A hot future for European droughts | Nature Climate Change |
| 111 | 2018 |
Hydrologic and Water Quality Models: Performance Measures and Evaluation Criteria | Transactions of the ASABE |
| 1,144 | 2015 |
Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
Assessment of the Impact of Spatial Variability on Streamflow Predictions Using High-Resolution Modeling and Parameter Estimation: Case Study of Geumho River Catchment, South Korea | Water |
| 2024 |