Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
Self-reinforced and high-thermal conductivity silicon nitride by tailoring α-β phase ratio with pressureless multi-step sintering | Ceramics International |
| 17 | 2021 |
Microstructure and thermal conductivity of gas-pressure-sintered Si3N4 ceramic: the effects of Y2O3 additive content | Journal of the European Ceramic Society |
| 30 | 2021 |
Elimination of grain boundaries and its effect on the properties of silicon nitride ceramics | Ceramics International |
| 14 | 2020 |
YB2C2: A new additive for fabricating Si3N4 ceramics with superior mechanical properties and medium thermal conductivity | Ceramics International |
| 12 | 2020 |
Fabrication of high thermal conductivity silicon nitride ceramics by pressureless sintering with MgO and Y2O3 as sintering additives | Ceramics International |
| 20 | 2020 |
Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
Fabrication of Si3N4 ceramics substrates with high thermal conductivity by tape casting and gas pressure sintering | International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology |
| 2024 | |
Mechanical and thermal properties of Si3N4 ceramics prepared by gelcasting using high-solid-loading slurries | Ceramics International |
| 3 | 2023 |
Application of low-temperature plasma treatment for rapid and efficient polydopamine coating on 3D-printed polymer scaffolds | MRS Communications |
| 1 | 2023 |