Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
Extensions of unbounded ∗-derivations in UHF C∗-algebras | Journal of Functional Analysis |
| 6 | 1982 |
Unbounded derivations commuting with compact group actions | Communications in Mathematical Physics |
| 1981 | |
On a problem of Sakai in unbounded derivations | Journal of Functional Analysis |
| 1981 | |
Spectral subspaces for compact actions | Reports on Mathematical Physics |
| 6 | 1980 |
Approximately invariant subspaces for unbounded linear operators | Mathematische Annalen |
| 1977 |
Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
On discrete analytic functions: Products, rational functions and reproducing kernels | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing |
| 15 | 2012 |
Noncommutative differential geometry, quantization, and smooth symmetries of the C*-algebras associated to topological dynamics | Integral Equations and Operator Theory |
| 1989 | |
The W∗-dynamical system associated with a C∗-dynamical system, and unbounded derivations | Journal of Functional Analysis |
| 5 | 1988 |
Smooth derivations commuting with Lie group actions | Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society |
| 1986 | |
Unbounded derivations tangential to compact groups of automorphisms, II | Journal of Functional Analysis |
| 10 | 1985 |