Spin echo and nuclear orientation study of metallic glasses

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  • J. Pavlovský
  • M. Rotter
  • B. Sedlák
  • Lt. Lešták
  • M. Bartos
  • I. Procházka
  • M. Finger
Pavlovský, J., et al. “Spin Echo and Nuclear Orientation Study of Metallic Glasses”. Hyperfine Interactions, vol. 22, no. 1-4, 1985, pp. 181-5, https://doi.org/10.1007/bf02063991.
Pavlovský, J., Rotter, M., Sedlák, B., Lešták, L., Bartos, M., Procházka, I., & Finger, M. (1985). Spin echo and nuclear orientation study of metallic glasses. Hyperfine Interactions, 22(1-4), 181-185. https://doi.org/10.1007/bf02063991
Pavlovský J, Rotter M, Sedlák B, Lešták L, Bartos M, Procházka I, et al. Spin echo and nuclear orientation study of metallic glasses. Hyperfine Interactions. 1985;22(1-4):181-5.
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  • Science: Physics
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