Lawyers and family life: New directions for the 1990's

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Accommodation and Satisfaction: Women and Men Lawyers and the Balance of Work and Family

Law & Social Inquiry
  • Social Sciences
  • Law
30 1989
Accommodation and Satisfaction: Women and Men Lawyers and the Balance of Work and Family

Law & Social Inquiry
  • Social Sciences
  • Law
30 1989
Lynn Hecht Schafran, ?Gender and Justice: Florida and the Nation?,Florida Law Review 42 (1990), 181, at 202. Schafran has also suggested that ?even the women on these task forces who begin with some knowledge about gender bias in the courts and the legal profession emerge with new insight into the pervasive, deeply rooted nature of the problem.? 1990
Williamssupra n.18, at 356. A thoughtful analysis of the need for societal change in arrangements for ?caring? is found in Don Edgar, ?Sharing the Caring: Rethinking Current Policies?,Family Matters 31 (1992), 40. 1990
Williams,supra n.18, at 356. See also Karen Czapanskiy, ?Volunteers and Draftees: The Struggle for Parental Equality?,UCLA Law Review 38 (1991), 1415. According to Czapanskiy, fathers are given support in the legal system for being ?volunteer parents, people whose duties toward their children are limited?, while mothers are ?draftees, people whose duties toward their children are extensive?; thus, she proposed a ?reconceptualization of parenthood?. For an excellent analysis of the precarious position of ?domestic workers? in Canada, see Audrey Macklin ?Foreign Domestic Worker: Surrogate Housewife or Mail Order Servant??,McGill Law Journal 37 (1992), 682. 1990