Institutional Ethics Committees and Health Care Decision-Making | | | | 1984 |
[N.B. The following references were reviewed in the development of this policy proposal. Some statements, in full or in part, have been borrowed from some of these references.] | | | | |
?Writing DNR/NO CODE Orders.? Policy of Rose Medical Center, Denver, CO. Issue date of April 4, 1978. Revised February, 1983. | | | | |
?Withholding or Withdrawing Life Prolonging Medical Treatment.? Statement of AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. Adopted on March 15, 1986. | | | | |
?The Patient's Choice of Treatment Options-Policy and Statement.? Special Committee on Biomedical Ethical of American Hospital Association. Approved by AHA House of Delegates, February, 1985. | | | | |