Journal of Psycholinguistic Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Growth in Phonological, Orthographic, and Morphological Awareness in Grades 1 to 62009/10/14English227
Syntactic Priming: A Corpus-based Approach2005/07/01English212
Measuring Students’ Use of Zoom Application in Language Course Based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)2021/01/05English120
Regional and Foreign Accent Processing in English: Can Listeners Adapt?2009/01/01English92
The Stability of Literacy-Related Cognitive Contributions to Chinese Character Naming and Reading Fluency2012/08/26English90
Age-related Differences in the Production of Textual Descriptions2005/09/01English88
The Role of Morphology and Short Vowelization in Reading Arabic among Normal and Dyslexic Readers in Grades 3, 6, 9, and 122006/11/16English85
Is Literary Arabic a Second Language for Native Arab Speakers?: Evidence from Semantic Priming Study2005/01/01English78
A Meta-analysis of L2 Willingness to Communicate and Its Three High-Evidence Correlates2019/07/24English72
Aligning Grammatical Theories and Language Processing Models2014/11/19English70
Pronominal Resolution and Gap Filling in Agrammatic Aphasia: Evidence from Eye Movements2009/04/16English69
Analysis of a Chinese Phonetic Compound Database: Implications for Orthographic Processing2006/07/29English65
Antecedent Priming at Trace Positions in Children’s Sentence Processing2006/12/09English62
Metalinguistic Awareness and Reading Performance: A Cross Language Comparison2007/02/22English57
Role of Working Memory in Typically Developing Children’s Complex Sentence Comprehension2008/06/03English56
Intonation and Emotion in Autistic Spectrum Disorders2006/11/29English54
Emotion Word Processing: Effects of Word Type and Valence in Spanish–English Bilinguals2015/03/04English51
The Role of Phonological versus Morphological Skills in the Development of Arabic Spelling: An Intervention Study2015/03/28English51
What’s in a (Role) Name? Formal and Conceptual Aspects of Comprehending Personal Nouns2007/03/20English51
Unpacking Chinese EFL Students’ Academic Engagement and Psychological Well-Being: The Roles of Language Teachers’ Affective Scaffolding2023/05/30English50
Sensitivity to Phonological Similarity Within and Across Languages2007/11/28English50
Do Chinese Dyslexic Children Have Difficulties Learning English as a Second Language?2005/11/01English45
Infant Directed Speech in Natural Interaction—Norwegian Vowel Quantity and Quality2005/05/01English45
Morphology and Spelling in Arabic: Development and Interface2016/03/21English45
Analysis of Narrative Discourse Structure as an Ecologically Relevant Measure of Executive Function in Adults2012/11/29English44
Comparisons of Online Reading Paradigms: Eye Tracking, Moving-Window, and Maze2011/10/15English44
Phonological Errors Predominate in Arabic Spelling Across Grades 1–92006/03/01English43
Uh and Um Revisited: Are They Interjections for Signaling Delay?2005/11/01English42
Disambiguating Information and Memory Resources in Children’s Processing of Italian Relative Clauses2010/11/09English41
Priority Information Used for the Processing of Japanese Sentences: Thematic Roles, Case Particles or Grammatical Functions?2005/05/01English41