Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Chemical Sensitivity Attributed to Pesticide Exposure versus Remodeling1995/04/01English95
The Total Human Environmental Exposure Study (THEES) to Benzo(a)pyrene: Comparison of the Inhalation and Food Pathways1988/07/01English95
Ozone and Human Blood1975/01/01English95
Epidemiological Survey of Workers Exposed to Cadmium1974/03/01English94
Respiratory Cancer and Occupational Exposure to Arsenicals1974/11/01English94
Lead, Mercury, and Organochlorine Compound Levels in Cord Blood in Québec, Canada1999/01/01English94
Polychlorinated Biphenyls, 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (p,p′-DDT) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-ethylene (p,p′-DDE) in Human Plasma Related to Fish Consumption1994/12/01English94
Self-reported Illness from Chemical Odors in Young Adults without Clinical Syndromes or Occupational Exposures1993/02/01English94
Health Behavior, Illness Behavior, and Sick-Role Behavior1966/04/01English94
Trace Composition of Human Respiratory Gas1975/06/01English93
The Development and Prognosis of Chronic Intoxication by Tetrachlordibenzo-p-dioxin in Men1981/01/01English93
Mortality of Workers Exposed to Polychlorinated Biphenyls—An Update1987/12/01English92
Influence of Ozone on Pulmonary Cells1968/05/01English92
Trace Metal Content of Hair1971/09/01English92
Human Response to Controlled Levels of Sulfur Dioxide1974/01/01English91
Cell Renewal in the Lungs of Rats Exposed to Low Levels of NO21972/03/01English91
Experimental Human Exposure to Carbon Monoxide1970/08/01English91
Mortality among Individuals Occupationally Exposed to Benzene1978/01/01English91
A Structure-Activity Relationship of Some Chlorinated Hydrocarbons1979/03/01English90
In vivo Measurements of Lead in Bone in Long-term Exposed Lead Smelter Workers1993/06/01English90
Lead, Blood Pressure, and Cardiovascular Disease in Men1995/02/01English89
Respiratory Symptoms and Lung Function among Workers in Swine Confinement Buildings: A Cross-Sectional Epidemiological Study1984/03/01English89
Human Exposure to Styrene Vapor1968/05/01English88
Formaldehyde Impairs Memory, Equilibrium, and Dexterity in Histology Technicians: Effects Which Persist for Days after Exposure1987/04/01English88
Short-Term Associations between Emergency Hospital Admissions for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Disease and Outdoor Air Pollution in London1999/11/01English88
Radioactive Mercury Distribution in Biological Fluids and Excretion in Human Subjects after Inhalation of Mercury Vapor1978/05/01English87
Subclinical Neuropathy at “Safe” Levels of Lead Exposure1975/04/01English87
Variation of Biological Half-Life of Methylmercury in Man1974/06/01English87
New Ventilation Systems at Select Schools in Sweden—Effects on Asthma and Exposure2000/01/01English86
Absorption, Storage, and Metabolic Conversion of Ingested DDT and DDT Metabolites in Man1971/03/01English86