Computer Science Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Investigating and improving the models of programming concepts held by novice programmers2011/03/01English28
Making Visible the Behaviors that Influence Learning Environment: A Qualitative Exploration of Computer Science Classrooms2004/06/01English28
It takes a village: supporting inquiry- and equity-oriented computer science pedagogy through a professional learning community2015/10/02English27
My program is ok – am I? Computing freshmen's experiences of doing programming assignments2012/03/01English27
Block-based versus text-based programming environments on novice student learning outcomes: a meta-analysis study2019/01/14English27
‘I’m good, but not that good’: digitally-skilled young people’s identity in computing2016/12/08English26
An Experiment on Using Roles of Variables in Teaching Introductory Programming2005/03/01English26
Phenomenography and grounded theory as research methods in computing education research field2012/06/01English26
Teaching the tacit knowledge of programming to noviceswith natural language tutoring2005/09/01English26
How Students Attempt to Reduce Abstraction in the Learning of Mathematics and in the Learning of Computer Science2003/06/01English26
Empirical validation and application of the computing attitudes survey2015/01/02English25
Take space, make space: how students use computer science to disrupt and resist marginalization in schools2020/07/02English24
Gender differences in the use of computers, programming, and peer interactions in computer science classrooms2010/12/01English24
Pair programming in middle school: variations in interactions and behaviors2019/08/17English23
Review of measurements used in computing education research and suggestions for increasing standardization2019/01/02English23
Motivation and Academic Help-Seeking in High School Computer Science2004/01/01English23
Developing a kindergarten computational thinking assessment using evidence-centered design: the case of algorithmic thinking2021/02/01English22
Concept map assessment for teaching computer programming2008/03/01English22
Effective compiler error message enhancement for novice programming students2016/07/02English22
Computer science concept inventories: past and future2014/10/02English22
Situated Learning in Computer Science Education2004/06/01English21
Learning Computer Science and Engineering in Context2001/09/01English21
A theory of instruction for introductory programming skills2019/01/25English21
Girls and computer science: experiences, perceptions, and career aspirations2017/04/03English21
Pair programming and secondary school girls’ enjoyment of programming and the subject Information Technology (IT)2012/09/01English21
Constructive evaluation: a pedagogy of student-contributed assessment2010/06/01English21
What about a simple language? Analyzing the difficulties in learning to program2006/09/01English21
PBL and Computer Programming — The Seven Steps Method with Adaptations2005/06/01English20
Integrating Computer Ethics into the Computer Science Curriculum1988/01/01English20
Illustrating performance indicators and course characteristics to support students’ self-regulated learning in CS12015/04/03English19