Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Elastic properties of chiral, anti-chiral, and hierarchical honeycombs: A simple energy-based approach2016/03/01English246
Physics-informed deep learning for incompressible laminar flows2020/03/01English122
Current trends and future directions in turbulent thermal convection2013/01/01English121
Physics-constrained bayesian neural network for fluid flow reconstruction with sparse and noisy data2020/03/01English94
Elastic metamaterials with local resonances: an overview2012/01/01English93
Entropy analysis in electrical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of nanofluid with effects of thermal radiation, viscous dissipation, and chemical reaction2017/07/01English93
Review on structural fatigue of NiTi shape memory alloys: Pure mechanical and thermo-mechanical ones2015/11/01English64
Numerical investigations to design a novel model based on the fifth order system of Emden–Fowler equations2020/07/01English53
Subset-based local vs. finite element-based global digital image correlation: A comparison study2016/09/01English51
Optimization of high-speed railway pantographs for improving pantograph-catenary contact2013/01/01English51
Recent development of transient electronics2016/01/01English49
Effect of injection angle, density ratio, and viscosity on droplet formation in a microfluidic T-junction2017/07/01English47
Long-term dynamic behavior of monopile supported offshore wind turbines in sand2015/03/01English46
Size dependency and potential field influence on deriving mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes using molecular dynamics2015/07/01English46
Effect of inclined ribs on heat transfer coefficient in stationary square channel2017/11/01English44
Numerical simulation of the self-propulsive motion of a fishlike swimming foil using the δ+-SPH model2018/03/01English44
Crashworthiness design of density-graded cellular metals2013/01/01English43
Hydrothermal analysis of hybrid nanofluid flow on a vertical plate by considering slip condition2022/09/01English42
Space-time correlations in turbulent flow: A review2014/01/01English40
Dynamical mode decomposition of Gurney flap wake flow2011/01/01English39
Thrust producing mechanisms in ray-inspired underwater vehicle propulsion2015/01/01English39
Energy harvesting by two magnetopiezoelastic oscillators with mistuning2012/01/01English38
Moving contact line problem: Advances and perspectives2014/01/01English37
Effects of humidity on shear behavior of bamboo2015/11/01English36
Heat transport in low-dimensional materials: A review and perspective2016/05/01English34
Hydrothermal analysis of non-Newtonian fluid flow (blood) through the circular tube under prescribed non-uniform wall heat flux2022/05/01English34
Direct comparison of hydraulic tortuosity and electric tortuosity based on finite element analysis2015/08/01English33
Sound absorption characteristic of micro-helix metamaterial by 3D printing2018/03/01English33
Enhancing heat transfer at the micro-scale using elastic turbulence2015/05/01English33
CFD analysis of Al2O3-syltherm oil Nanofluid on parabolic trough solar collector with a new flange-shaped turbulator model2022/02/01English33