Computer vision based method for real-time fire and flame detection | 2006/01/01 | English | 268 |
Cluster center initialization algorithm for K-means clustering | 2004/08/01 | English | 262 |
Image thresholding using Tsallis entropy | 2004/07/01 | English | 262 |
Detail-preserving median based filters in image processing | 1994/04/01 | English | 259 |
Information-preserving hybrid data reduction based on fuzzy-rough techniques | 2006/04/01 | English | 254 |
Recursive sub-image histogram equalization applied to gray scale images | 2007/07/01 | English | 253 |
A new approach to characterize epileptic seizures using analytic time-frequency flexible wavelet transform and fractal dimension | 2017/07/01 | English | 251 |
VSUMM: A mechanism designed to produce static video summaries and a novel evaluation method | 2011/01/01 | English | 250 |
50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities | 2016/08/01 | English | 249 |
Low rank subspace clustering (LRSC) | 2014/07/01 | English | 246 |
Human activity recognition from 3D data: A review | 2014/10/01 | English | 245 |
Face recognition using Histograms of Oriented Gradients | 2011/09/01 | English | 241 |
Some remarks on fuzzy graphs | 1987/12/01 | English | 234 |
Classification of myocardial infarction with multi-lead ECG signals and deep CNN | 2019/05/01 | English | 228 |
Comparative analysis of image classification algorithms based on traditional machine learning and deep learning | 2021/01/01 | English | 223 |
EDLines: A real-time line segment detector with a false detection control | 2011/10/01 | English | 221 |
New visual secret sharing schemes using probabilistic method | 2004/03/01 | English | 216 |
3D free-form object recognition in range images using local surface patches | 2007/07/01 | English | 209 |
Gray-level corner detection | 1982/12/01 | English | 206 |
LightenNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for weakly illuminated image enhancement | 2018/03/01 | English | 205 |
Image enhancement using Exposure based Sub Image Histogram Equalization | 2014/01/01 | English | 202 |
A hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection wrapper based on mutual information | 2007/10/01 | English | 197 |
Image scrambling encryption algorithm of pixel bit based on chaos map | 2010/04/01 | English | 185 |
Similarity measures between intuitionistic fuzzy (vague) sets: A comparative analysis | 2007/01/01 | English | 179 |
A cluster validity index for fuzzy clustering | 2005/07/01 | English | 177 |
Image characterizations based on joint gray level—run length distributions | 1991/08/01 | English | 174 |
A survey on skeletonization algorithms and their applications | 2016/06/01 | English | 174 |
Large group activity security risk assessment and risk early warning based on random forest algorithm | 2021/04/01 | English | 173 |
A review of Convolutional-Neural-Network-based action recognition | 2019/02/01 | English | 171 |
Exponentially weighted moving average charts for detecting concept drift | 2012/01/01 | English | 170 |