Physics Reports

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Grassmann integration in stochastic quantum physics: The case of compound-nucleus scattering1985/12/01English660
Selfconsistent semiclassical description of average nuclear properties—a link between microscopic and macroscopic models1985/07/01English660
The physics of gamma-ray bursts & relativistic jets2015/02/01English658
Statistical mechanics and dynamics of solvable models with long-range interactions2009/09/01English656
Quantum integrable systems related to lie algebras1983/03/01English655
Recent advances in modeling and simulation of nanofluid flows-Part I: Fundamentals and theory2019/02/01English652
Low-energy hadron physics from effective chiral Lagrangians with vector mesons1988/05/01English650
BCS–BEC crossover: From high temperature superconductors to ultracold superfluids2005/06/01English647
Nuclear compressibilities1980/09/01English644
Reaction dynamics with exotic nuclei2005/05/01English626
Plasmas for medicine2013/09/01English626
Landau–Zener–Stückelberg interferometry2010/07/01English625
Front propagation into unstable states2003/11/01English623
Glueballs, hybrids, multiquarks2007/12/01English619
Driven quantum transport on the nanoscale2005/02/01English616
Four-dimensional string compactifications with D-branes, orientifolds and fluxes2007/07/01English615
Statistical mechanics of simple coulomb systems1980/03/01611
Dynamical theory of an atom with two or three levels interacting with quantized cavity fields1985/02/01611
Superfluidity and superconductivity in relativistic fermion systems1984/05/01English607
Networks beyond pairwise interactions: Structure and dynamics2020/08/01English601
Theory of core-collapse supernovae2007/04/01English600
Charmonium and gluons1978/05/01English600
Transverse and longitudinal angular momenta of light2015/08/01English598
Hamiltonian form of the path integral for theories with a gauge freedom1985/09/01English598
Principles and applications of grazing incidence X-ray and neutron scattering from ordered molecular monolayers at the air-water interface1994/10/01English598
Dark matter self-interactions and small scale structure2018/02/01English596
Flux compactifications in string theory: A comprehensive review2006/01/01English595
Realistic effective interactions for nuclear systems1995/10/01English593
The road to no-scale supergravity1987/01/01592