Journal of Youth Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Rethinking the Youth Phase of the Life-course: The Case for Emerging Adulthood?2005/12/01English264
Changes in the transition to adulthood in the UK and Canada: the role of structure and agency in emerging adulthood2008/06/01English234
‘I Don't Want to Commit Myself Yet’: Young People's Life Concepts1998/02/01English226
Taking Control of their Lives? Agency in Young Adult Transitions in England and the New Germany2002/09/01English216
The Entrepreneurial Self and ‘Youth at-risk’: Exploring the Horizons of Identity in the Twenty-first Century2006/02/01English183
Generation, Youth and Social Change in Australia2006/11/01English179
Not so NEET? A Critique of the Use of ‘NEET’ in Setting Targets for Interventions with Young People2006/07/01English160
The Role of Identity Capital in the Transition to Adulthood: The Individualization Thesis Examined2002/06/01English157
‘Insider Research’ in the Study of Youth Cultures2005/06/01English148
‘You don't have like an identity … you are just lost in a crowd’: Forming a Student Identity in the First-year Transition to University2007/05/01English133
Subcultures, Scenes or Tribes? None of the Above2005/03/01English129
‘Generation rent’ and the ability to ‘settle down’: economic and geographical variation in young people’s housing transitions2016/05/10English128
Beyond ‘NEET’ and ‘tidy’ pathways: considering the ‘missing middle’ of youth transition studies2010/08/03English125
Emerging Adulthood in Europe: A Response to Bynner2006/02/01English125
The mobility imperative for rural youth: the structural, symbolic and non-representational dimensions rural youth mobilities2015/11/23English124
In Defence of Subculture: Young People, Leisure and Social Divisions2006/05/01English122
Young people, social media and connective action: from organisational maintenance to everyday political talk2014/07/02English118
Transitions, Networks and Communities: The Significance of Social Capital in the Lives of Children and Young People2007/02/01English116
Youth Subcultural Theory: A Critical Engagement with the Concept, its Origins and Politics, from the Chicago School to Postmodernism2005/03/01English115
The mysterious case of the pervasive choice biography: Ulrich Beck, structure/agency, and the middling state of theory in the sociology of youth2009/04/20English113
The politics of youthful antipolitics: representing the ‘issue’ of youth participation in politics2010/02/25English113
Misleading Trajectories: Transition Dilemmas of Young Adults in Europe2001/03/01English110
A cross-national and comparative classification of in-country awareness and policy responses to ‘young carers’2016/12/02English104
Street Literacy: Urban Teenagers' Strategies for Negotiating their Neighbourhood2000/09/01English99
Towards a spatialised youth sociology: the rural and the urban in times of change2013/09/02English99
Why Don't British Young People Vote at General Elections?2002/03/01English97
‘Becoming somebody’: youth transitions through education and migration in Peru2011/06/01English96
Growing Up as Risky Business? Risks, Surveillance and the Institutionalized Mistrust of Youth2003/06/01English95
Value differences between generations in China: a study in Shanghai2010/01/05English94
Young People as Real Citizens: Towards an Inclusionary Understanding of Citizenship2005/12/01English91