Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Minimal prime ideals of skew polynomial rings and near pseudo-valuation rings2013/12/01English
Preduals of Spaces of Vector-Valued Holomorphic Functions2003/06/01English
A Note On g-Metrizable Spaces2003/06/01English
The Geography of Simply-Connected Symplectic Manifolds2003/06/01English
Clifford-Hermite-monogenic operators2006/12/01English
In memory of Josef Král2006/12/01English
Non-holonomic (r, s, q)-jets2006/12/01English
A space of generalized distributions2006/06/01English
On some constructions of algebraic objects2006/06/01English
An answer to a question of Cao, Reilly and Xiong2006/09/01English
A note on characteristic classes2006/06/01English
Noninvertibility preservers on Banach algebras2006/09/01English
Pták’s characterization of reflexivity in tensor products2006/09/01English
On the classes of hereditarily ℓp Banach spaces2006/09/01English
Polynomial orbits in finite commutative rings2006/06/01English
Some liftings of poisson structures to Weil bundles2006/06/01English
A simple method for constructing non-liouvillian first integrals of autonomous planar systems2006/09/01English
Connected domination critical graphs with respect to relative complements2006/06/01English
A note on embedding into product spaces2006/06/01English
Finite rank operators in Jacobson radical $$\mathcal{R}_{\mathcal{N} \otimes \mathcal{M}} $$2006/06/01English
The weak hereditary class of a variety2006/06/01English
On monotone permutations of`ℓ-cyclically ordered sets2006/06/01English
Star number and star arboricity of a complete multigraph2006/09/01English
A Characterization of 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-Homomorphisms of Ordered Sets2003/03/01English
Mathematical Institute of the Academy--50 Years2003/03/01English
Examples of Infinitely Generated Function Algebras2003/03/01English
On Korovkin Type Theorem in the Space of Locally Integrable Functions2003/03/01English
On 2-Homogeneity of Monounary Algebras2003/03/01English
Some Fixed Point Theorems in Metric Spaces by Altering Distances2003/03/01English