Applications of Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Regularity of minima: An invitation to the dark side of the calculus of variations2006/08/01English257
PDE Models for Chemotactic Movements: Parabolic, Hyperbolic and Kinetic2004/12/01English78
On the convergence of the ensemble Kalman filter2011/12/01English68
Modeling, Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Electrorheological Fluids2004/12/01English60
From Scalar to Vector Optimization2006/02/01English59
Stability of Caputo fractional differential equations by Lyapunov functions2015/12/01English56
First-and second-order optimality conditions for mathematical programs with vanishing constraints2007/12/01English45
On the Caginalp system with dynamic boundary conditions and singular potentials2009/03/20English42
Sparse finite element methods for operator equations with stochastic data2006/04/01English39
On M-stationary points for a stochastic equilibrium problem under equilibrium constraints in electricity spot market modeling2007/12/01English37
Error Estimates for Linear Finite Elements on Bakhvalov-Type Meshes2006/02/01English37
Regularity criterion for 3d navier-stokes equations in terms of the direction of the velocity2009/02/01English36
Approximation of an Eigenvalue Problem Associated with the Stokes Problem by the Stream Function-Vorticity-Pressure Method2006/02/01English35
Nonconforming finite element approximations of the Steklov eigenvalue problem and its lower bound approximations2013/03/24English33
Conditions Implying Regularity of the Three Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equation2005/10/01English32
Partition of unity method for Helmholtz equation: q-convergence for plane-wave and wave-band local bases2006/04/01English32
On Fully Developed Flows of Fluids with a Pressure Dependent Viscosity in a Pipe2005/08/01English31
Hyers-Ulam stability of fractional linear differential equations involving Caputo fractional derivatives2015/08/01English30
Semi-smooth Newton methods for the Signorini problem2008/10/01English30
Shear flows of a new class of power-law fluids2013/03/24English27
Multiscale convergence and reiterated homogenization of parabolic problems2005/04/01English27
Space-time discontinuos Galerkin method for solving nonstationary convection-diffusion-reaction problems2007/06/01English25
Remark on stabilization of tree-shaped networks of strings2007/08/01English25
On large Eddy simulation and variational multiscale methods in the numerical simulation of turbulent incompressible flows2006/08/01English25
A smoothing Newton method for the second-order cone complementarity problem2013/03/24English25
Postprocessing and higher order convergence for the mixed finite element approximations of the Stokes eigenvalue problems2009/06/01English22
Development of three dimensional constitutive theories based on lower dimensional experimental data2009/03/20English21
The interface crack with Coulomb friction between two bonded dissimilar elastic media2011/02/01English21
Approximation and eigenvalue extrapolation of Stokes eigenvalue problem by nonconforming finite element methods2009/02/01English21
Existence of solutions and approximate controllability of impulsive fractional stochastic differential systems with infinite delay and Poisson jumps2015/08/01English21