Plasma Sources Science and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Time evolution of vibrational temperatures in a CO2glow discharge measured with infrared absorption spectroscopy2017/10/2669
Runaway electrons in diffuse gas discharges2020/02/2669
How dielectric, metallic and liquid targets influence the evolution of electron properties in a pulsed He jet measured by Thomson and Raman scattering2018/08/0368
Modelling N2–O2 plasmas: volume and surface kinetics2019/07/2567
Energetic ions during plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition and their role in tailoring material properties2019/02/2866
Kinetic study of low-temperature CO2plasmas under non-equilibrium conditions. I. Relaxation of vibrational energy2018/01/2965
Electron power absorption dynamics in capacitive radio frequency discharges driven by tailored voltage waveforms in CF42016/06/2964
Atmospheric-pressure pulsed plasma actuators for flow control: shock wave and vortex characteristics2019/05/3163
Formation of microdischarges inside a mesoporous catalyst in dielectric barrier discharge plasmas2017/04/0561
Streamer-to-spark transition initiated by a nanosecond overvoltage pulsed discharge in air2017/03/1761
Contribution of surface-wave (SW) sustained plasma columns to the modeling of RF and microwave discharges with new insight into some of their features. A survey of other types of SW discharges2018/07/1858
2D particle-in-cell simulations of the electron drift instability and associated anomalous electron transport in Hall-effect thrusters2017/02/0658
Foundations of DC plasma sources2017/11/0858
A compact new incoherent Thomson scattering diagnostic for low-temperature plasma studies2018/05/0857
Nanosecond surface dielectric barrier discharge in atmospheric pressure air: I. measurements and 2D modeling of morphology, propagation and hydrodynamic perturbations2017/11/1657
Experimental identification of an azimuthal current in a magnetic nozzle of a radiofrequency plasma thruster2016/08/1656
CO2conversion in a gliding arc plasma: 1D cylindrical discharge model2016/10/1856
A self-consistent model of ionic wind generation by negative corona discharges in air with experimental validation2017/08/3156
Propagation of a plasma streamer in catalyst pores2018/03/2056
Foundations of High-Pressure Thermal Plasmas2018/06/0556
The importance of thermal dissociation in CO2 microwave discharges investigated by power pulsing and rotational Raman scattering2019/05/2355
An overview of discharge plasma modeling for Hall effect thrusters2019/04/0955
Kinetics of highly vibrationally excited O2(X) molecules in inductively-coupled oxygen plasmas2018/04/0955
The effect of realistic heavy particle induced secondary electron emission coefficients on the electron power absorption dynamics in single- and dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas2017/07/2754
Modelling the helium plasma jet delivery of reactive species into a 3D cancer tumour2017/12/0853
Electric field evolution in a diffuse ionization wave nanosecond pulse discharge in atmospheric pressure air2019/09/2451
Plasma-surface interaction: dielectric and metallic targets and their influence on the electric field profile in a kHz AC-driven He plasma jet2019/04/0450
Sub-nanosecond time resolved light emission study for diffuse discharges in air under steep high voltage pulses2016/09/2849
Effect of plasma-induced surface charging on catalytic processes: application to CO2activation2018/02/0748
The case forin situresource utilisation for oxygen production on Mars by non-equilibrium plasmas2017/10/1848