Reports on Progress in Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The fluctuation-dissipation theorem1966/01/013,318
Fundamentals of zinc oxide as a semiconductor2009/10/222,942
Relaxation processes in supercooled liquids1992/03/012,451
New directions in the pursuit of Majorana fermions in solid state systems2012/06/282,248
Theory of the oxidation of metals1949/01/012,185
Stochastic thermodynamics, fluctuation theorems and molecular machines2012/11/202,114
Nucleation and growth of thin films1984/04/012,063
The theory of equilibrium critical phenomena1967/07/011,928
The pseudogap in high-temperature superconductors: an experimental survey1999/01/011,754
The hydrodynamics of swimming microorganisms2009/08/251,700
Ferroelectric, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of ferroelectric thin films and ceramics1998/09/011,617
Localization: theory and experiment1993/12/011,457
Recoil-ion and electron momentum spectroscopy: reaction-microscopes2003/08/141,453
A review of metasurfaces: physics and applications2016/06/161,302
Physics of liquid jets2008/02/211,277
Phase separation in confined systems1999/12/011,277
The Displacement of Atoms in Solids by Radiation1955/01/011,276
Quantum spin liquids: a review2016/11/081,263
Commensurate phases, incommensurate phases and the devil's staircase1982/06/011,252
Metadynamics: a method to simulate rare events and reconstruct the free energy in biophysics, chemistry and material science2008/11/261,177
The physics of dipolar bosonic quantum gases2009/11/191,175
Intermetallic compounds of rare-earth and 3d transition metals1977/10/011,173
An introduction to the theory of diffusive shock acceleration of energetic particles in tenuous plasmas1983/08/011,108
Plasmonic photocatalysis2013/03/041,091
Strong coupling between surface plasmon polaritons and emitters: a review2014/12/231,056
Quantum defect theory1983/02/011,049
Semiclassical approximations in wave mechanics1972/01/011,049
Optical coherence tomography - principles and applications2003/01/201,011
The flux-line lattice in superconductors1995/11/011,007