Thermochimica Acta

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A calorimetric flow vessel optimised for measuring the metabolic activity of animal cells1999/07/01English
The effect of mechanical treatment on the crystal structure and thermal decomposition of dolomite1999/12/01English
Low-temperature AC microcalorimetry: Possibilities and limitations1997/11/01English
The phase diagram of the CeI3–Ce system1999/06/01English
Thermodynamic properties of adamantane and the energy states of molecules in plastic crystals for some cage hydrocarbons2000/03/01English
Calorimetric investigations of the enzyme catalyzed sucrose hydrolysis1999/01/01English
Relaxations in lamellar polystyrene–polybutadiene diblock copolymer. Thermally stimulated depolarization current study1998/06/01English
Structural studies on the phase transition of rubidium formate1998/09/01English
Determination of temperature effect of oxychlorination of Cr2O3 and MgO using non-isothermal conditions2000/06/01English
Functional and structural differences in skeletal and cardiac myosins. A molecular dynamic approach2000/01/01English
Thermal and structural studies of amide complexes of transition metal(II) chlorides. I: Stoichiometry1998/09/01English
Design parameters for the construction and operation of heat-flow calorimeters1998/03/01English
Sensitivity changes with injection rate in heat-conduction calorimeters2000/01/01English
Computational aspects of kinetic analysis.2000/07/01English
Structural stability of actin filaments as studied by DSC and EPR1998/11/01English
The formation of cucurbituril complexes with amino acids and amino alcohols in aqueous formic acid studied by calorimetric titrations1998/07/01English
Vapor heat capacities of some polar–polar binary systems2000/07/01English
Improvement of AC calorimetry for simultaneous measurements of heat capacity and thermal conductivity of polymers1998/07/01English
Precipitation kinetics in an air-cooled aluminum alloy: A comparison of scanning and isothermal calorimetry measurement methods1998/03/01English
Thermal decomposition of calcium copper acetate hexahydrate by simultaneous measurement of controlled-rate thermogravimetry and mass spectrometry (CRTG–MS)1999/12/01English
Application of non-linear heating regime for the determination of activation energy and kinetic parameters of solid-state reactions1998/12/01English
A simple adiabatic low-temperature calorimeter based on a helium refrigerator system1Presented at the Twelfth Ulm-Freiberg Conference, Freiberg, Germany, 19–21 March 199711998/02/01English
A combined photoacoustic DSC for simultaneous temperature modulated measurements: does it really work?1999/05/01English
Unexpected effect of pressure on the dehydration kinetics of uranyl nitrate trihydrate: an example of a Smith-Topley effect1996/07/01English
Editorial Board2023/09/01English
Vaporization enthalpies of self-associated aromatic compounds at 298.15 K: a review of existing data and the features of heat capacity correction. Part II. Anilines2023/10/01English
Multi-stepwise pulse calorimetry for enthalpy and emissivity measurements on tantalum, considering gas–metal reactions at elevated temperatures2023/10/01English
Editorial Board2023/10/01English