Auditory Perception & Cognition

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Irrelevant Sound Effect on Serial Recall Is Independent of Age and Inhibitory Control2022/04/03English2
Cross-modal Transfer of Valence or Arousal from Music to Word Targets in Affective Priming?2022/06/23English2
Effortful Listening Produces Both Enhancement and Suppression of Alpha in the EEG2023/07/20English2
Detecting Emotion in Speech: Validating a Remote Assessment Tool2022/07/28English2
The Fate of the Unattended Revisited: Can Irrelevant Speech Prime the Non-dominant Interpretation of Homophones?2022/09/26English2
Hearing Sex at the Cocktail Party: Biased Sex Ratios Influence Vocal Attractiveness2018/04/03English2
Measuring Auditory Discrimination Thresholds in Preschool Children: An Empirically Based Analysis2018/10/02English2
Harmonicity: Behavioral and Neural Evidence for Functionality in Auditory Scene Analysis2018/10/02English2
Recall of Speech is Impaired by Subsequent Masking Noise: A Replication of Rabbitt (1968) Experiment 22020/07/02English2
Using Sound to Create and Detect Occlusion of an Unseen Sound Source2019/10/02English2
Natural Regularity of Correlated Acoustic Frequency and Intensity in Music and Speech: Auditory Scene Analysis Mechanisms Account for Integrality of Pitch and Loudness2018/10/02English2
Responding to Confidence and Reproducibility Crises: Registered Reports and Replications in Auditory Perception & Cognition2019/10/02English2
Correlation between the Effect of Orofacial Somatosensory Inputs in Speech Perception and Speech Production Performance2022/10/12English2
Evaluation of Auditory Processing and Working Memory Abilities in Individuals with Chronic Renal Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis2022/02/13English2
Research Collection: On Theoretical Advancement in Auditory Distraction Research2021/10/02English2
Visual Looming Influences Loudness Change: A Preliminary Investigation2021/10/02English1
The Categorical Deviation Effect May Be Underpinned by Attentional Capture: Preliminary Evidence from the Incidental Recognition of Distracters2023/01/15English1
Spatial Release from Informational Masking Enhances the Early Cortical Representation of Speech Sounds2022/06/14English1
Influence of Event Duration and Impact Intensity on the Auditory Perception of Contact Severity2021/04/03English1
The Impact of Probabilistic Cues on Sound-related Pupil Dilation and ERP Responses in 7–9-year-old Children2022/03/21English1
Psychophysiological Markers of Auditory Distraction: A Scoping Review2023/11/09English1
Emotions and Consciousness Alterations in Music-color Synesthesia2022/02/18English1
The Role of Joint Influence on the Cross-Modal Stroop Effect: Investigating Time Course and Asymmetry2021/10/02English1
Exploring Changes in the Emotional Classification of Music between Eras2021/04/03English1
Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Auditory Looming Bias2021/04/03English1
Impact of Qualitative and Quantitative Visual Experience on the Auditory Perception of Apertures2020/07/02English1
Auditory Perception & Cognition: Answering the Call for an Integrated Auditory Science2018/04/03English1
Perception of Multi-Cue Indexical Speech Leads to Amplified Stereotyping2021/04/03English1
Auditory Icons, Earcons, Spearcons, and Speech: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Brief Audio Alerts in Human-Machine Interfaces2023/06/11English1
Updating Musical Tonal Structure in Working Memory Engages Cognitive Control2019/04/03English1