International Journal of Production Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Implementation of Industry 4.0 and lean production in Brazilian manufacturing companies2017/10/19English369
Sustainable manufacturing in Industry 4.0: an emerging research agenda2019/08/20English367
The Ripple effect in supply chains: trade-off ‘efficiency-flexibility-resilience’ in disruption management2013/11/28English366
Examining the effects of green supply chain management practices and their mediations on performance improvements2012/03/01English365
Performance measures and metrics in logistics and supply chain management: a review of recent literature (1995–2004) for research and applications2007/06/15English364
Simulation in the design and operation of manufacturing systems: state of the art and new trends2019/07/04English359
An empirically derived agenda of critical research issues for managing supply-chain disruptions2005/10/01English352
The generalized group technology concept1987/04/01English348
Empirical investigation of data analytics capability and organizational flexibility as complements to supply chain resilience2019/02/27English334
The performance impact of supply chain agility and supply chain adaptability: the moderating effect of product complexity2014/10/27English331
Supply chain risk management and artificial intelligence: state of the art and future research directions2018/10/06English325
Antecedents and enablers of supply chain agility and its effect on performance: a dynamic capabilities perspective2013/02/15English322
Understanding supply chain management: critical research and a theoretical framework2004/01/01English320
A comprehensive literature review and analysis of the design, balancing and scheduling of assembly systems1989/04/01English318
The evolution of production systems from Industry 2.0 through Industry 4.02017/11/24English317
Assessing relations between Circular Economy and Industry 4.0: a systematic literature review2019/11/06English316
Organisational resilience: development of a conceptual framework for organisational responses2011/09/15English316
Logistics 4.0: a systematic review towards a new logistics system2019/05/13English315
Supply-chain networks: a complex adaptive systems perspective2005/10/15English314
The role of digital technologies for the service transformation of industrial companies2017/05/09English309
Agile manufacturing: Enablers and an implementation framework1998/05/01English306
Analyzing organizational project alternatives for agile manufacturing processes: An analytical network approach1999/02/01English302
A supply chain transparency and sustainability technology appraisal model for blockchain technology2020/01/06English299
Product life cycle cost analysis: State of the art review1998/04/01English296
Characterization of automatic guided vehicle dispatching rules1984/05/01English296
Blockchain technology for enhancing swift-trust, collaboration and resilience within a humanitarian supply chain setting2020/02/11English293
A dynamic model and an algorithm for short-term supply chain scheduling in the smart factory industry 4.02015/01/19English292
Industry 4.0 and lean manufacturing practices for sustainable organisational performance in Indian manufacturing companies2019/06/17English290
Supply chain coordination with emissions reduction incentives2013/01/01English290
An ideal seed non-hierarchical clustering algorithm for cellular manufacturing1986/03/01English290