Space Science Reviews

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Solar Irradiance Variability Since 19782006/12/08English195
STEREO IMPACT Investigation Goals, Measurements, and Data Products Overview2007/06/01English194
The Search-Coil Magnetometer for MMS2014/09/10English194
The Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyzer2004/09/01English194
The Magnetometer Instrument on MESSENGER2007/08/01English192
Neutron Stars—Cooling and Transport2015/07/18English191
The Mercury Dual Imaging System on the MESSENGER Spacecraft2007/08/01English189
Galaxy Alignments: An Overview2015/07/08English188
Dust Evolution and the Formation of Planetesimals2016/05/17English184
Measuring the Masses of Supermassive Black Holes2013/05/08English182
Sq and EEJ—A Review on the Daily Variation of the Geomagnetic Field Caused by Ionospheric Dynamo Currents2016/09/14English182
The First Magnetic Fields2011/10/07English179
The VIR Spectrometer2010/10/06English178
The THEMIS Array of Ground-based Observatories for the Study of Auroral Substorms2008/06/17English178
Cosmic Ray Induced Ion Production in the Atmosphere2008/03/22English177
The Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph Investigation2004/11/01English177
The Juno Magnetic Field Investigation2017/02/14English176
The Origin, Early Evolution and Predictability of Solar Eruptions2018/02/01English175
Who Needs Turbulence?2011/06/24English175
Dynamo Scaling Laws and Applications to the Planets2009/07/07English172
The STEREO/IMPACT Magnetic Field Experiment2007/11/23English171
The Physical Processes of CME/ICME Evolution2017/08/03English170
Grain Surface Models and Data for Astrochemistry2017/01/12English169
Energetic Particle Influence on the Earth’s Atmosphere2015/09/02English168
Resonant MHD Waves in the Solar Atmosphere2010/11/20English168
The Juno Mission2017/11/01English168
Atmospheric Escape and Evolution of Terrestrial Planets and Satellites2008/08/01English166
Characterization and Calibration of the CheMin Mineralogical Instrument on Mars Science Laboratory2012/06/23English166
Substorm Current Wedge Revisited2014/12/04English166
Mass Measurements of Stellar and Intermediate-Mass Black Holes2013/12/10English164