Laser Physics Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Diode-pumped single frequency Tm:YAG laser at room temperature2008/11/01English92
Compact corner-pumped Nd:YAG/YAG composite slab 1319 nm/1338 nm laser2010/02/01English92
In vivoRaman spectroscopy detects increased epidermal antioxidative potential with topically applied carotenoids2009/01/01English91
Single frequency single polarization DFB fiber laser2007/06/0190
Giant-chirp oscillator for ultra-large net-normaldispersion fiber lasers2010/01/01English87
Compression of CEP-stable multi-mJ laser pulses down to 4 fs in long hollow fibers2014/06/2786
Over 8 W high peak power UV laser with a high power Q-switched Nd:YVO4oscillator and the compact extra-cavity sum-frequency mixing2009/02/01English85
Experimental verification of an optical negative-index material2005/10/1384
Performance of diode-pumped passively Q-switched mode-locking Nd:GdVO4/KTP green laser with Cr4+:YAG2006/12/0184
Fabrication of graphene based on Q-switched Nd:YAG laser ablation of graphite target in liquid nitrogen2012/07/0183
Diode pumped 500-picosecond Nd:GdVO4Raman laser2004/05/0182
All fiber Er-Tm Q-switched laser2010/10/07English82
Propagation of an Airy beam in a strongly nonlocal nonlinear media2014/09/1582
Efficient 1.34-μm laser emission of Nd-doped vanadates under in-band pumping with diode lasers2009/01/01English81
Pulsed 456 nm deep‐blue light generation by acoustooptical Q‐switching and intracavity frequency doubling of Nd:GdVO42008/08/01English81
Deterministic polarization entanglement purification using time-bin entanglement2014/06/2581
Reversible photo-darkening and resonant photo-bleaching of Ytterbium-doped silica fiber at in-core 977-nm and 543-nm irradiation2007/05/3180
Tunable and switchable multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser with highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber and polarization controllers2008/12/01English78
Supercontinuum generation up to 2.5 μm in photonic crystal fiber made of lead-bismuth-galate glass2010/06/30English77
Passive harmonically mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with scalable repetition rate up to 1.2 GHz2007/02/2777
All-solid-state quasi-CW yellow laser with intracavity self-Raman conversion and sum frequency generation2010/06/01English76
A focused air-pulse system for optical-coherence-tomography-based measurements of tissue elasticity2013/05/2076
Efficient CW laser at 559 nm by intracavity sum-frequency mixing in a self-Raman Nd:YVO4 laser under direct 880 nm diode laser pumping2010/08/31English76
Appearance of coherent artifact signals in femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy in dependence on detector design2006/09/1875
Broadband all-optical modulation using a graphene-covered-microfiber2013/04/1875
AQ-switched, mode-locked fiber laser using a graphene oxide-based polarization sensitive saturable absorber2013/01/2173
The holographic optical micro-manipulation system based on counter-propagating beams2010/11/04English73
Quantum information processing and metrology with trapped ions2011/01/25English73
Optical properties of gold nanoparticles at laser radiation wavelengths for laser applications in nanotechnology and medicine2004/10/0173
All-fiberized MOPA structured single-mode pulse Yb fiber laser with a linearly polarized output power of 30 W2009/05/01English72