Ageing Research Reviews

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Multimorbidity and quality of life: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis2019/08/01English257
The role of metabolism in chondrocyte dysfunction and the progression of osteoarthritis2021/03/01English246
Dysbiosis of gut microbiota and microbial metabolites in Parkinson’s Disease2018/08/01English245
Pathogenesis of acute stroke and the role of inflammasomes2013/09/01English243
Markers of inflammation and their association with muscle strength and mass: A systematic review and meta-analysis2020/12/01English242
Ageing and the telomere connection: An intimate relationship with inflammation2016/01/01English241
Multivariate models of subjective caregiver burden in dementia: A systematic review2014/05/01English240
Effects of physical exercise therapy on mobility, physical functioning, physical activity and quality of life in community-dwelling older adults with impaired mobility, physical disability and/or multi-morbidity: A meta-analysis2012/01/01English239
Chronic diseases and risk for depression in old age: A meta-analysis of published literature2010/04/01English239
Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting: Two potential diets for successful brain aging2006/08/01English239
Programmed cell death in aging2015/09/01English234
Prevention of onset and progression of basic ADL disability by physical activity in community dwelling older adults: A meta-analysis2013/01/01English230
A research agenda for ageing in China in the 21st century (2nd edition): Focusing on basic and translational research, long-term care, policy and social networks2020/12/01English229
Muscle and bone, two interconnected tissues2015/05/01English226
Metabolic-cognitive syndrome: A cross-talk between metabolic syndrome and Alzheimer's disease2010/10/01English225
Lysosomal cathepsins and their regulation in aging and neurodegeneration2016/12/01English224
Regulation of late-phase LTP and long-term memory in normal and aging hippocampus: role of secreted proteins tPA and BDNF2004/11/01English223
The role of DNA damage and repair in aging through the prism of Koch-like criteria2013/03/01English223
The prevalence of mental disorders in older people in Western countries – a meta-analysis2013/01/01English220
A synopsis on aging—Theories, mechanisms and future prospects2016/08/01English218
Consistent age-dependent declines in human semen quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis2015/01/01English217
Current understanding of klotho2009/01/01English217
Living by the clock: The circadian pacemaker in older people2006/02/01English214
Motivators and barriers for physical activity in the oldest old: A systematic review2011/09/01English213
Effects of combined cognitive and exercise interventions on cognition in older adults with and without cognitive impairment: A systematic review2014/05/01English213
Functional senescence in Drosophila melanogaster2005/08/01English211
Dietary restriction and lifespan: Lessons from invertebrate models2017/10/01English209
Evidence on multimorbidity from definition to intervention: An overview of systematic reviews2017/08/01English208
Endothelial dysfunction and aging: An update2010/04/01English204
Spatial navigation in normal aging and the prodromal stage of Alzheimer's disease: Insights from imaging and behavioral studies2013/01/01English203