Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ensuring liveness properties of distributed systems: Open problems2019/12/01English3
A core Erlang semantics for declarative debugging2019/10/01English3
Twenty years of coordination technologies: COORDINATION contribution to the state of art2020/06/01English3
Minimal type inference for Linked Data consumers2015/07/01English3
Inference engine based on closure and join operators over Truth Table Binary Relations2014/03/01English3
Towards the flexible reuse of model transformations: A formal approach based on graph transformation2014/09/01English3
Combining relation algebra and data refinement to develop rectangle-based functional programs for reflexive–transitive closures2015/05/01English3
The structure of finite meadows2015/03/01English3
A lightweight approach to smart contracts supporting safety, security, and privacy2022/06/01English3
Strategies, model checking and branching-time properties in Maude2021/11/01English3
A collaborative access control framework for online social networks2020/08/01English3
Multiparty session types, beyond duality2018/06/01English3
Deciding the consistency of non-linear real arithmetic constraints with a conflict driven search using cylindrical algebraic coverings2021/02/01English3
Flag-based big-step semantics2017/04/01English3
A reduction semantics for direct-style asynchronous observables2019/06/01English3
Modal transition system encoding of featured transition systems2019/08/01English3
Observational and behavioural equivalences for soft concurrent constraint programming2017/11/01English3
A secrecy-preserving language for distributed and object-oriented systems2018/10/01English3
A survey of symbolic methods for establishing equivalence-based properties in cryptographic protocols2017/02/01English3
Contracts as games on event structures2016/04/01English3
Reversible computation in nets with bonds2022/01/01English2
Discrete dualities for some algebras with relations2014/03/01English2
A unified framework for differential aggregations in Markovian process algebra2015/03/01English2
A type checking algorithm for concurrent object protocols2018/11/01English2
Sequential pattern mining for ICT risk assessment and management2019/01/01English2
A divertimento on MonadPlus and nondeterminism2016/08/01English2
A perspective on specifying and verifying concurrent modules2018/08/01English2
Reduction semantics in Markovian process algebra2018/04/01English2
Formalising privacy policies in social networks2017/08/01English2
Completeness and incompleteness in nominal Kleene algebra2017/10/01English2