Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Preface for the special issue on Interaction and Concurrency Experience 20172019/12/01English
Guest editors' foreword2019/12/01English
Editorial Board2019/12/01English
Editorial Board2020/01/01English
Actor-based model checking for Software-Defined Networks2021/01/01English
A navigational logic for reasoning about graph properties2021/01/01English
Free Kleene algebras with domain2020/12/01English
Runtime verification for dynamic architectures2021/01/01English
Editorial Board2020/08/01English
Preface to the special issue on the 12th International Conference on Graph Transformation2020/10/01English
Unification and combination of a class of traversal strategies made with pattern matching and fixed-points2022/02/01English
Proving and disproving confluence of context-sensitive rewriting2022/04/01English
Observational interpretations of hybrid dynamic logic with binders and silent transitions2021/08/01English
Editorial Board2022/01/01English
Formal verification of timed synchronous dataflow graphs using Lustre2021/06/01English
Editorial Board2021/04/01English
Hardware Trojan detection via rewriting logic2022/06/01English
Preface to the special issue on the 12th Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-Centric Software (PLACES) 20202022/06/01English
Unification of drags and confluence of drag rewriting2023/02/01English
Preface to the special issue on Open Problems in Concurrency Theory2023/01/01English
Editorial Board2023/01/01English
Compositional equivalences based on open pNets2023/02/01English
Resource separation in dynamic logic of propositional assignments2021/06/01English
Expressing discrete spatial relations under granularity2021/08/01English
Explaining safety failures in NetKAT2021/06/01English
A denotational semantics of Simulink with higher-order UTP2023/01/01English
Partial arithmetical data types of rational numbers and their equational specification2022/08/01English
Conflict vs causality in event structures2021/02/01English
Semantics of temporal constrained objects2021/02/01English
Tribute to Anna Labella2021/06/01English