New Journal of Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Controllable transmission and total reflection through an impedance-matched acoustic metasurface2014/12/02198
Experimental observation of bulk and edge transport in photonic Lieb lattices2014/06/26197
Radiation reaction effects on radiation pressure acceleration2010/12/07196
Quantum teleportation via aWstate2003/10/16196
Investigation of magnetic resonances for different split-ring resonator parameters and designs2005/08/08195
Effect of oxygen plasma etching on graphene studied using Raman spectroscopy and electronic transport measurements2011/02/10195
Acoustic metamaterials for new two-dimensional sonic devices2007/09/11195
Cavity QED with atomic mirrors2012/06/01195
Spin dynamics in the optical cycle of single nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond2011/02/21195
Quantum adiabatic Markovian master equations2012/12/11193
Triggered polarization-entangled photon pairs from a single quantum dot up to 30 K2007/09/10193
Controlling light through optical disordered media: transmission matrix approach2011/12/13193
Controlling discrete quantum walks: coins and initial states2003/07/02192
Models of neutrino masses and mixings2004/08/13191
How chemistry controls electron localization in 3d1perovskites: a Wannier-function study2005/09/05190
On the universal ac optical background in graphene2009/09/30188
Strained graphene: tight-binding and density functional calculations2009/11/02188
Quantum dot as thermal rectifier2008/08/14188
Topologically protected one-way edge mode in networks of acoustic resonators with circulating air flow2015/05/13188
Electron–phonon processes of the silicon-vacancy centre in diamond2015/04/08187
Lensing and x-ray mass estimates of clusters (simulations)2012/05/17186
On cosmic acceleration without dark energy2006/12/19186
Simple security proof of quantum key distribution based on complementarity2009/04/30185
Focus on the Rashba effect2015/05/28185
Where we are onθ13: addendum to ‘Global neutrino data and recent reactor fluxes: status of three-flavor oscillation parameters’2011/10/17185
Long-term performance of the SwissQuantum quantum key distribution network in a field environment2011/12/01185
Optical band gap and the Burstein–Moss effect in iodine doped PbTe using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy2013/07/23185
Evolution of cooperation on scale-free networks subject to error and attack2009/03/25184
Anomalous diffusion and power-law relaxation of the time averaged mean squared displacement in worm-like micellar solutions2013/04/17183
Particle models and the small-scale structure of dark matter2009/10/16183