New Journal of Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Machine learning of molecular electronic properties in chemical compound space2013/09/04450
Radiation pressure acceleration of thin foils with circularly polarized laser pulses2008/01/21446
A Bayesian approach to strong lensing modelling of galaxy clusters2007/12/17445
The SECOQC quantum key distribution network in Vienna2009/07/02445
Finding overlapping communities in networks by label propagation2010/10/13438
All-Si valley-Hall photonic topological insulator2016/02/01436
Tailoring of arbitrary optical vector beams2007/03/30430
High-frequency approximation for periodically driven quantum systems from a Floquet-space perspective2015/09/23419
High-dimensional quantum cryptography with twisted light2015/03/20414
Position-dependent diffusion coefficients and free energies from Bayesian analysis of equilibrium and replica molecular dynamics simulations2005/02/01399
Recurrence networks—a novel paradigm for nonlinear time series analysis2010/03/15392
Experimental demonstration of painting arbitrary and dynamic potentials for Bose–Einstein condensates2009/04/27390
Topological fault-tolerance in cluster state quantum computation2007/06/29389
Dynamically protected cat-qubits: a new paradigm for universal quantum computation2014/04/22389
Mechanism and observation of Mott transition in VO2-based two- and three-terminal devices2004/05/18381
Coherence–incoherence crossover in the normal state of iron oxypnictides and importance of Hund's rule coupling2009/02/27376
Neutrinos and collider physics2015/08/03375
A convergent hierarchy of semidefinite programs characterizing the set of quantum correlations2008/07/08368
Structure of epitaxial graphene on Ir(111)2008/04/18360
Magnetic properties of vacancies in graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes2004/06/29352
Traffic jams without bottlenecks—experimental evidence for the physical mechanism of the formation of a jam2008/03/04344
Communication with spatially modulated light through turbulent air across Vienna2014/11/11344
The quantum technologies roadmap: a European community view2018/08/15341
Dark energy constraints from cosmic shear power spectra: impact of intrinsic alignments on photometric redshift requirements2007/12/17338
Device-independent quantum key distribution secure against collective attacks2009/04/30336
Open questions in CMR manganites, relevance of clustered states and analogies with other compounds including the cuprates2005/02/23335
Single photon emission from silicon-vacancy colour centres in chemical vapour deposition nano-diamonds on iridium2011/02/21332
First-principles studies of the three-dimensional strong topological insulators Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3and Sb2Te32010/06/17331
Entropic uncertainty relations—a survey2010/02/26328
Dispersive optomechanics: a membrane inside a cavity2008/09/30318