Pediatric Surgery International

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Gastroschisis: an update2010/08/05English71
Ideal timing of orchiopexy: a systematic review2013/11/15English71
Sacrococcygeal teratomas: the UK Children's Cancer Study Group's experience. I. Neonatal2003/04/01English67
Regulation of testicular descent2015/02/18English67
Ingested gastrointestinal foreign bodies: predisposing factors for complications in children having surgical or endoscopic removal2006/10/17English64
The rationale for the use of parenteral omega-3 lipids in children with short bowel syndrome and liver disease2008/05/27English64
Can we improve outcome of congenital diaphragmatic hernia?2009/08/09English64
Scoliosis: a review2007/09/22English62
Foreign body ingestion in children: an analysis of pediatric surgical practice2007/06/14English61
Review of genetic factors in intestinal malrotation2010/06/13English61
Long-term complications following operative intervention for intestinal malrotation: a 10-year review2009/09/16English60
Treatment of congenital pulmonary airway malformations: a systematic review from the APSA outcomes and evidence based practice committee2017/06/06English60
Effects of rikkunshito on the clinical symptoms and esophageal acid exposure in children with symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux2007/08/01English60
Is congenital pulmonary airway malformation really a rare disease? Result of a prospective registry with universal antenatal screening program2016/10/21English59
Current concepts regarding the pathogenesis of necrotizing enterocolitis2009/03/20English58
Single-incision pediatric endosurgery: lessons learned from our first 224 laparoendoscopic single-site procedures in children2010/09/22English58
Total colonic aganglionosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of long-term clinical outcome2012/07/28English58
Outcome in neonates with esophageal atresia treated over the last 20 years2008/03/20English57
Long term cardiopulmonary effects of closed repair of pectus excavatum2007/01/25English57
Delayed primary anastomosis for management of long-gap esophageal atresia: a meta-analysis of complications and long-term outcome2012/08/09English57
Classification and diagnostic criteria of variants of Hirschsprung’s disease2013/08/14English56
Prune belly syndrome2011/12/25English56
Pediatric surgery telehealth: patient and clinician satisfaction2011/01/18English56
Diagnosis, misdiagnosis, and associated diseases of achalasia in children and adolescents: a twelve-year single center experience2012/11/08English56
Hirschsprung’s disease associated with Down syndrome: a meta-analysis of incidence, functional outcomes and mortality2013/08/14English55
Update on the management of anorectal malformations2013/08/04English55
Management of tracheobronchial foreign body in children2007/11/06English54
A comparison of the clinical presentation and outcome of focal intestinal perforation and necrotizing enterocolitis in very-low-birth-weight neonates2002/12/01English54
Diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP in the pediatric age group2006/12/06English54
Augmented reality navigation system for laparoscopic splenectomy in children based on preoperative CT image using optical tracking device2011/12/01English53