Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Generalized fractional derivatives and Laplace transform2020/01/01English149
An independent set degree condition for fractional critical deleted graphs2019/01/01English110
Stability of the heat and of the wave equations with boundary time-varying delays2009/01/01English92
Recent progress in the theory of nonlinear diffusion with fractional Laplacian operators2014/01/01English76
On a new fractional Sobolev space and applications to nonlocal variational problems with variable exponent2018/01/01English69
Exponential stability of the wave equation with boundary time-varying delay2011/01/01English46
New aspects of time fractional optimal control problems within operators with nonsingular kernel2020/01/01English44
Tight independent set neighborhood union condition for fractional critical deleted graphs and ID deleted graphs2019/01/0144
A fractional model for the dynamics of tuberculosis infection using Caputo-Fabrizio derivative2020/01/01English43
A new finite element scheme for Landau-Lifchitz equations2008/01/01English42
On existence, uniform decay rates and blow up for solutions of systems of nonlinear wave equations with damping and source terms2009/01/01English42
Comparing the new fractional derivative operators involving exponential and Mittag-Leffler kernel2020/01/01English41
Uniform energy decay for a wave equation with partially supported nonlinear boundary dissipation without growth restrictions2009/01/01English39
Non-autonomous attractors for integro-differential evolution equations2009/01/01English37
Conservation laws by symmetries and adjoint symmetries2018/01/01English37
Heat transfer and entropy analysis of Maxwell hybrid nanofluid including effects of inclined magnetic field, Joule heating and thermal radiation2020/01/01English36
A simple proof of well-posedness for the free-surface incompressible Euler equations2010/01/01English34
New statistical symmetries of the multi-point equations and its importance for turbulent scaling laws2010/01/01English34
Solving a class of biological HIV infection model of latently infected cells using heuristic approach2021/01/0134
Global existence and exponential decay rates for the Westervelt equation2009/01/01English33
Dynamics of ratio-dependent Predator-Prey models with nonconstant harvesting2008/01/01English31
An AIMMS-based decision-making model for optimizing the intelligent stowage of export containers in a single bay2019/01/01English30
Homoclinic orbits of the FitzHugh-Nagumo equation: The singular-limit2009/01/01English30
Increasing stability for the Schrödinger potential from the Dirichlet-to Neumann map2011/01/01English30
Existence results of Hilfer integro-differential equations with fractional order2020/01/01English29
Optical solitons to the fractional perturbed NLSE in nano-fibers2020/01/01English28
Weighted pseudo almost periodicity of multi-proportional delayed shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with D operator2021/01/01English28
Thermomechanical modeling of energy-reaction-diffusion systems, including bulk-interface interactions2013/01/01English28
Computational and numerical simulations for the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) model2021/01/0127
Semigroup well-posedness in the energy space of a parabolic-hyperbolic coupled Stokes-Lamé PDE system of fluid-structure interaction2009/01/01English27