Journal of Geometric Mechanics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Linear almost Poisson structures and Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Applications to nonholonomic mechanics2010/01/01English63
Sobolev metrics on shape space of surfaces2011/01/01English49
Right-invariant Sobolev metrics of fractional order on the diffeomorphism group of the circle2014/01/01English31
Geodesic Vlasov equations and their integrable moment closures2009/01/01English27
Nonholonomic Hamilton-Jacobi equation and integrability2009/01/01English25
On Euler's equation and 'EPDiff'2013/01/01English25
On the $k$-symplectic, $k$-cosymplectic and multisymplectic formalisms of classical field theories2011/01/01English24
Semi-basic 1-forms and Helmholtz conditions for the inverse problem of the calculus of variations2009/01/01English22
Clebsch optimal control formulation in mechanics2011/01/01English21
Integrable Euler top and nonholonomic Chaplygin ball2011/01/01English21
Variational formulation of commuting Hamiltonian flows: Multi-time Lagrangian 1-forms2013/01/01English21
A Hamilton-Jacobi theory on Poisson manifolds2014/01/01English20
Higher-order variational problems on lie groups and optimal control applications2014/01/01English20
$G$-Chaplygin systems with internal symmetries, truncation, and an (almost) symplectic view of Chaplygin's ball2009/01/01English19
The supergeometry of Loday algebroids2013/01/01English18
Dirac cotangent bundle reduction2009/01/01English17
The geometry and dynamics of interacting rigid bodies and point vortices2009/01/01English17
Sub-Riemannian and sub-Lorentzian geometry on $SU(1,1)$ and on its universal cover2011/01/01English16
Three-dimensional discrete systems of Hirota-Kimura type and deformed Lie-Poisson algebras2009/01/01English16
Sobolev metrics on shape space, II: Weighted Sobolev metrics and almost local metrics2012/01/01English16
Families of canonical transformations by Hamilton-Jacobi-Poincaré equation. Application to rotational and orbital motion2010/01/01English15
A property of conformally Hamiltonian vector fields; Application to the Kepler problem2012/01/01English15
Self-organization on Riemannian manifolds2019/01/01English15
Geometric arbitrage theory and market dynamics2015/01/01English15
The Hamilton-Jacobi theory and the analogy between classical and quantum mechanics2009/01/01English14
Point vortices on the sphere: Stability of symmetric relative equilibria2011/01/01English14
Global well-posedness of a 3D MHD model in porous media2019/01/01English14
When is a control system mechanical?2010/01/01English14
Geometry of matrix decompositions seen through optimal transport and information geometry2017/01/01English13
Tulczyjew triples in higher derivative field theory2015/01/01English13