Quaternary Geochronology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
High-precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of pleistocene tuffs and temporal anchoring of the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary2017/04/01English86
Potential use of Ti-center in ESR dating of fluvial sediment2007/01/01English85
Thermal history versus sedimentary history: OSL sensitivity of quartz grains extracted from rocks and sediments2011/04/01English83
AMS analysis of 129I in Japanese soil samples collected from background areas far from nuclear facilities2008/08/01English83
The abanico plot: Visualising chronometric data with individual standard errors2016/02/01English83
Single-grain dating of young sediments using the pIRIR signal from feldspar2012/08/01English83
Luminescence chronology of aeolian deposits from the Qinghai Lake area in the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its palaeoenvironmental implications2012/07/01English81
Testing single-grain quartz OSL methods using sediment samples with independent age control from the Bordes-Fitte rockshelter (Roches d'Abilly site, Central France)2016/02/01English80
A note on reporting radiocarbon2006/12/01English79
A high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the Young Toba Tuff and dating of ultra-distal tephra: Forcing of Quaternary climate and implications for hominin occupation of India2014/06/01English79
High-precision 238U–234U–230Th disequilibrium dating of the recent past: a review2009/10/01English77
U-series dating of dead Porites corals in the South China sea: Evidence for episodic coral mortality over the past two centuries2006/05/01English77
ESR chronology of alluvial deposits and first human settlements of the Middle Loire Basin (Region Centre, France)2010/04/01English77
Modelling dose rate to single grains of quartz in well-sorted sand samples: The dispersion arising from the presence of potassium feldspars and implications for single grain OSL dating2015/04/01English77
Timing for high lake levels of Qinghai Lake in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau since the Last Interglaciation based on quartz OSL dating2010/04/01English76
Cosmogenic nuclide burial dating of hominin-bearing Pleistocene cave deposits at Swartkrans, South Africa2014/12/01English76
Luminescence chronology of the upper part of the Stari Slankamen loess sequence (Vojvodina, Serbia)2010/04/01English76
ESR chronology of alluvial deposits in the Arlanzón valley (Atapuerca, Spain): Contemporaneity with Atapuerca Gran Dolina site2012/07/01English75
New radiometric dates on the lowest stratigraphical section (TD1 to TD6) of Gran Dolina site (Atapuerca, Spain)2015/10/01English74
A review of the thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence signal from quartz for dating sediments2012/02/01English74
Boulder height – exposure age relationships from a global glacial 10Be compilation2016/08/01English74
Calibrating 210Pb dating results with varve chronology and independent chronostratigraphic markers: Problems and implications2016/04/01English73
Testing the ABOx-SC method: Dating known-age charcoals associated with the Campanian Ignimbrite2012/06/01English73
Testing the precision and accuracy of the U–Th chronometer for dating coral mortality events in the last 100 years2014/10/01English71
Ice core record of 10Be over the past millennium from Dome Fuji, Antarctica: A new proxy record of past solar activity and a powerful tool for stratigraphic dating2008/08/01English71
Hydropyrolysis as a new tool for radiocarbon pre-treatment and the quantification of black carbon2009/04/01English71
Multiple phases of North African humidity recorded in lacustrine sediments from the Fazzan Basin, Libyan Sahara2007/01/01English71
Reliability of equivalent-dose determination and age-models in the OSL dating of historical and modern palaeoflood sediments2014/08/01English71
MOD-AGE: An age-depth model construction algorithm2012/10/01English71
A combined luminescence and radiocarbon dating study of Holocene lacustrine sediments from arid northern China2011/02/01English70