Review of Managerial Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Corporate and managerial characteristics as drivers of social responsibility disclosure by state-owned enterprises2016/05/27English63
Corporate social responsibility, board of directors, and firm performance: an analysis of their relationships2014/10/01English63
Corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD) determinants of listed companies in Palestine (PXE) and Jordan (ASE)2014/07/18English62
Analysis and evaluation of moderator effects in regression models: state of art, alternatives and empirical example2010/12/14English61
Determinants of innovativeness in SMEs: disentangling core innovation and technology adoption capabilities2016/03/12English60
Tweaking the entrepreneurial orientation–performance relationship in family firms: the effect of control mechanisms and family-related goals2017/02/24English60
Management innovation, pro-innovation organisational culture and enterprise performance: testing the mediation effect2017/02/24English60
Gender-related factors in family business succession: a systematic literature review2018/01/30English59
Entrepreneurial ecosystems in an interconnected world: emergence, governance and digitalization2021/01/26English58
Agility as an innovation driver: towards an agile front end of innovation framework2019/11/26English57
The fit between corporate social responsibility and corporate governance: the impact on a firm’s financial performance2020/04/16English57
The perception of value of platform-based business models in the sharing economy: determining the drivers of user loyalty2018/11/24English56
Capital structure and firm performance: evidence of Germany under IFRS adoption2019/06/24English54
Mapping family firm internationalization research: bibliometric and literature review2020/07/10English54
Entrepreneurial orientation and new venture performance in emerging markets: the mediating role of opportunity recognition2021/03/24English53
Exploratory and exploitative innovation in family businesses: the moderating role of the family firm image and family involvement in top management2017/05/23English53
Organizational innovation climate and individual innovative behavior: exploring the moderating effects of psychological ownership and psychological empowerment2017/11/27English52
Risk-averse and risk-taking newsvendors: a conditional expected value approach2007/04/01English51
Determinants of motion picture box office and profitability: an interrelationship approach2007/03/27English51
Entrepreneurial ecosystems and networks: a literature review and research agenda2021/01/08English50
The intellectual structure of organizational legitimacy research: a co-citation analysis in business journals2020/02/17English49
A chip off the old block? The role of dominance and parental entrepreneurship for entrepreneurial intention2019/05/08English49
Digital business model innovation: toward construct clarity and future research directions2022/01/04English48
Identifying and classifying family businesses2014/05/27English48
Corporate scandals and the reliability of ESG assessments: evidence from an international sample2017/10/20English48
The effects of the interactive use of management control systems on process and organizational innovation2015/01/17English48
Developing green innovation performance by fostering of organizational knowledge and coopetitive relations2017/12/12English47
Confirmatory composite analysis using partial least squares: setting the record straight2020/07/29English47
Understanding the links among innovation performance, market performance and financial performance2016/05/13English47
In search for the ideal coopetition partner: an experimental study2017/05/10English47